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“Getting started with the Robotframework-AppiumLibrary, In-Person Hands-on Workshop” by Joshua Gorospe


First-time mobile testers often find Appium to be intimidating. The robotframework-appiumlibrary does a lot to make Appium accessible to testers of any level of experience. This in-person workshop will help any new mobile tester who wants to dive into Appium automation and Robot Framework.


Summary: The in-person examples and demonstrations in this workshop session will walk a beginner through the following…

Set up Appium and robotframework-appiumlibrary on a new machine.

Set up iOS simulators on a new machine.

Set up Android emulators on a new machine.

In-person assistance with setting up Appium on a new machine.

In-person assistance with setting up real devices with Appium.

Demonstrate basic robotframework-appiumlibrary automation workflow examples.

Demonstrate robotframework-appiumlibrary examples that utilize PaBot.

Updated bonus content and examples using Charles Proxy and Graphwalker Model-based Testing. CPU monitoring with new Android CPU usage graphs powered by a simple Bokeh Robot Framework library.

Audience Takeaway: An updated Github repo containing all of the examples and presentation slides. (coming soon… it will be kept here -> https://github.com/jg8481)

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Siili Solutions, Ruoholahdenkatu 21, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

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